Two things:

1) I’m a huge huge fan of organic products! Anything you do to buy organic, whether certified or not, you’re contributing to a better Earth, right!

2) We’re in 2016 — the modern world. We don’t travel horse pulled carts and don’t wait for them to bring us the mail, right. We use cars and email now, it’s fast! And yes, despite the rapid development rate of almost everything, we still need to find time to eat well.

Ok, so now that I’ve preached and voiced my daily message, let’s talk about the Matcha tea that I had a chance to try out.

The image that you see shows the exact brand that we have tried. My wife and I brewed a cup each. Now when I say brew, I mean:

  • Boiling water
  • Put 1/2 tea spoon of that powered matcha
  • Pour boiling water in cup
  • Mix!
  • Add anything you want to taste (or add nothing)

This brand of tea is delicious! Really is.

What you are drinking is certified USDA? That means a lot to me.

You can get this organic matcha green tea:

  • By going to
  • And then typing organic matcha powder from kakegawa in Amazon’s tool bar
  • You should find it right there on the first page

Powdered version makes so convenient. Add it to almost anything you want really fast. It does have caffeine in it, so this is not water replacement!

Their bag closes very well and do make sure that you close it right after use. Their packaging does mention to consume 2 months after opening.


There’s only one ingredient in this product:


That’s it!

The name of the company is NATURAL ORGANIC MATCHA.

Certified by JONA AND USDA.

Disclosure: I have received this product for free in exchange an unbiased, honest opinion!

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